
Resource names are truncated

In resources, the first letter of the name is missing. For example, Book name is ook.

The cause: the API URL contains the trailing slash, and should not.

For example: it should be http://localhost:8000 (and not http://localhost:8000/).

Object properties type is string

For example, with two resources: Book and Review, the property book of the Review class is string, instead of Book.

This is maybe due to the book namespace. For now, two kinds of ranges are handled:

  • http://localhost:8000/docs.jsonld#Book, i.e. <something>#Book
  •, i.e. <something>

If the range of your Book does not follow one of these schemes, let us now.

Entity ids are not present from JSON LD docs

If you use API Platform, upgrade to 2.1 (when it will be available).

There is a lot of blank lines in generated files

This may happen when a dependency of your project uses a different version of Handlebars.

To fix this problem, manually install Handlebars:

npm install handlebars --save-dev